So, this is not the post you were expecting.
This is where I spent the weekend, while the band, or rather, the party, played on.
On Friday, hours before the first guests were due to arrive, The Smallest, who had been unwell the last couple of days had what we now know was a febrile convulsion.
It was horrific.
I have no doubt there are a number of you reading this have experienced it and know what I mean when I say that briefly we thought he was gone. I've never experienced anything like it.
But thankfully, while it's terrifying to witness, it is not harmful, and is fairly common. Although he did have another one that night so they kept him in hospital a second night.
I suggested to Jay that the party go ahead, and I think the distraction of it was just what he needed. Lots of people turned up, though lots didn't as word traveled through the grapevine. I'm glad for Jay, and for the other three children, that they were surrounded by so many of our family and friends, and by so much love and support.
A huge thank you to everyone who was there for us, and my phone was red hot with all the lovely messages pouring in.
We're home now, and The Smallest is well and healthy and back to himself.
The house has that lovely post-party feel and I am sorry I missed what sounds like a great night. I am rounding up as many photos as possible from people who were there and I hope to have a selection to share with you in the next day or two.
In the end, there is nothing like an experience like this to make you appreciate, and feel incredibly grateful for, all the blessings you have in your life.
I am blessed.