A wordy post! Feels wrong...
It's a while since I've noticed tags or awards going around Blogland. They seem to come in waves and surges, and I was happy enough to let them find other little pathways through this strange forest of Blog. But they're back. In the last week or so I've been given two awards, from
I Am Not A Volcano, and Kato over on
Pandorah's Box. And while my instinct is to shy away from these awards, which I see as little nosy, curious, snuffly woodland creatures, and hope if I stand very still they'll get distracted and wander off, this time I find myself pausing and pondering.
Blogging is such a strange thing. We show such deep, and often private places that say so much about us, and often things we may not say face to face with people, yet in many ways we say nothing really at all that
really shows who we are. And when I noticed a few stalwarts like
Elaine over on Jaboopee, and then
Esti over on Pintameldia, doing their own version of one then I figured it might actually be a nice thing to do after all.
So while it's not adhering exactly to the rules, I do like to adapt things so they are a little bit more
me. And I figure I'll take a leaf or two from you ladies, and do my own take on it.
So without further do:
Some Random Things You May Not Know About Me.
1. I am writing a book,
but have writer's block at the moment.
2. I love the smell of clean laundry, coffee, roses.
3. I have been to India, twice, but not for many years.
I have been thinking a lot about it, lately.
4. I cannot live without music.
For a taste of my current obsessions
5. I have not eaten chocolate or sugar in almost
two years. Or wheat.
6. Lately, I have developed an aversion to
supermarkets. Bit of a problem really...
7. I don't like getting my photo taken,
because I am always disappointed I don't look like I think I do.
(ie fifteen years ago...)
8. I love to bring people together.
9. I erroneously studied ceramics in college.
But am grateful to the Principal who gave me the place on a whim
(I am sure) as a few years later I married his son.
10. I haven't read a novel in over a year.
Something which anyone who knows me would not believe.
But I've lately had the urge to re-read David Mitchell.