So today, gone at last are the Autumn days that have a memory of summer in them. The chill has arrived, and with it the rooks. There are very few song-birds left now, apart from the loyal robin. And I heard my favourite, the first of this winter, Curlew call over the reeds. It made me pause at the kitchen sink, pause and listen.
The warm light again. Can you tell that this dresser is in dire need of a coat of paint? It is happening very soon, but in the meantime, isn't a bit of warm evening light just the ticket!
This is the view that makes eleven years of washing the dishes at this window a pleasure! Lots of sky. Lots and lots of sky.
The details that make for kitchen bliss.
Hi Ciara!! this view from the kitchen with the ecover in the windowseal shouts HOME at me
Love - Marta
And it will be here waiting for you when you come home, dear one.
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