I've been tagged. Thank you
Karen. I have seen this particular one doing the rounds, and it's a bit of fun so here goes.
The Rules:
Link to your Tagger
Share 7 facts about yourself ( random or unusual)
Tag 7 other people at the end of the post and leave them a comment to let them know they have been tagged.
The Facts:
1) I have always loved music, and I get quite intense with something new that I love and have it on loop for weeks. As a result, I often find it hard to go back and listen to something from my past. It can be a physical pain in my heart. A little espresso shot of a moment that is gone forever.
2) Staying with music. Since having children, and my mind is filled with the practicalities of life-with-four-children, I find it difficult to switch on my creative brain when I want to. But I find that listening to piano music gets things flowing. Poetry in motion...
3) The 'Dancing Queen' scene in Mamma Mia always makes me cry... (That's more of a confession than a random fact!)
4) Since the first time I saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang I have always wanted to live in a windmill. This followed closely by the desire to live on a canal barge.
5) I once played in a Samba band...
6) I think Jane Austen is probably my hero, for too many reasons to write here. But suffice to say I read (and watch) Pride and Prejudice at least once a year. (The BBC version. Though I do admit to loving the more recent version for it's visual beauty. And the music...)
7) People aside, beauty is the most important thing.
And now, the difficult bit. Who to tag?
(I have a feeling some of you may have done this one already so ignore it if you have!)
Oh...and any of you out there who fancy doing it. You can say I tagged you! Let me know and I'll sneak your name in here.
And now, some pictures to end the week with...